What Cancers Does Zantac Cause?

Zantac been completely recalled from the market as of April 1, 2020. The FDA pulled the drug from shelves after research showed dangerous levels of the carcinogenic chemical N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is formed when the drug is stored long-term and when heated (such as may occur during storage or transportation). While our defective drug attorneys…

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Car Accidents During a Pandemic Pose Unique Challenges: Shaw Cowart is Here to Help

Although there have been fewer car crashes during the COVID-19 outbreak, our attorneys have noticed an increase in the severity of the accidents and the problems individuals face following an accident. As always, Shaw Cowart LLP is ready to provide free consultations and case evaluations to help make sure your legal options are protected.  Higher…

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Business Interruption Insurance & COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused both state-mandated shutdowns and independent decisions for businesses to shut their doors this year.  In order to protect against these kinds of unexpected closures, Business Interruption Insurance is purchased by business owners all across the country.  However, insurance companies are trying their hardest to deny coverage of these…

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Why Was Zantac Taken Off the Market?

Zantac has been pulled from store shelves by the FDA because of its link to a probable human carcinogen, known as N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). This requirement comes after investigations into the effect of long-term storage and hot temperatures on the medication: The levels of the chemical NDMA increase over time, and significantly when heated (such…

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