Austin Defective Drugs Attorney | Texas Drugs Litigation Lawyer

Defective Drugs Austin Litigation

With pharmaceutical drug use on the increase, competition between pharmaceutical companies is fierce. Sales totals have risen to hundreds of billions of dollars annually making the pharmaceutical industry one of the top most profitable industries in the world. Unfortunately, for the consumer, this competition has created an atmosphere for the industry to take unnecessary risks in order to compete, and therefore has exposed patients to unsafe and even deadly drugs. When a doctor prescribes a drug, the patient would like to feel safe in taking that prescription, but unknown side effects can have disastrous results.

Currently, there are an alarming amount of news reports of recalled prescription drugs in spite of government regulations overseeing pharmaceutical companies. Thousands of patients across the country have experienced adverse side effects daily from prescription medication that has not been properly tested. Austin residents are not immune from these defective drugs and should seek medical help immediately upon the onset of any abnormal side effects resulting from prescribed medications. An Austin Defective Drug Attorney at Shaw Cowart wants to help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve from the industry.

Pharmaceutical companies that put profits ahead of public safety should be held accountable so that this unsafe practice can be halted. Consumers should be protected from drugs not safe for human consumption.

Austin drugs litigation lawyers want to make a difference. Contact Shaw Cowart for a free consultation if you or a loved one has suffered from the adverse effects of unsafe prescription medication. We have experience filing claims against the big pharmaceutical giants. We want to ensure the safety of our clients and of future patients.