Database Helpful in Reducing Nursing Home Negligence

A new database gathered by ProPublica organized 100,000 plus nationwide nursing-home facilities into an online report. This database can assist families needing to find an aging relative a place to live by uncovering abuse or neglect at nursing homes.

Having this useful tool will hopefully reduce the number of cases of abuse and neglect of nursing-home patients because the public has such easy access to these reports. Residents of nursing homes deserve a high quality of care. Anything sub-standard could be considered negligence or malpractice.

ProPublica’s journalist found many of the problems uncovered were due to low staffing ratios. Overmedicating patients was also one of the main areas of concern found in this report. There are numerous accounts of residents suffering due to the lack of attention by the nursing-home staff.

If your loved one has fallen victim to negligent care, you should report it immediately so that the responsible party is held accountable and to stop future harm of other residents. Consulting with an Austin medical malpractice attorney may be helpful.