Drive Carefully This Summer

Drunk driving accidents increase during the summer. Between May and September, serious and fatal car accidents involving drunk drivers become much more common. Many of these occur during the major summer holidays of Memorial Day, July Fourth, and Labor Day, but an accident caused by a drunk driver can happen at any time. If…

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Common Workplace Accidents and Injuries

Workplace injuries are a common thing. The worst thing is that some employers fail to implement appropriate measures that would help in mitigating workplace accidents and injuries. When involved in an accident or get injured while working, we at Shaw Cowart LLP can help you negotiate your case and file for compensation. With our…

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Teach Kids These Bicycle Safety Rules in Time for Summer

Every summer, some parents go through the harrowing experience of taking their kids to the emergency room due to a bicycle accident. The causes of these accidents can be as simple as a child failing to wear a helmet. In other cases, they might have been hit by a car or a motorcycle. Before…

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What is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month?

It’s spring! Now is the best time to hit-the-trail. Most motorcyclists will be up and about now that the season favors them to enjoy the ride and bask in the warm weather. With this in mind, May is often considered the National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. So, what happens during this month? The main…

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Why Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer is Important

One key reason you should hire a car accident attorney is that they will work to ensure you get compensated accordingly. But that’s not the sole reason you should find yourself an accident lawyer. The following are other reasons why working with an accident lawyer is crucial: Legal Expertise A car accident attorney has…

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What Can I Do After My Loved One’s Crash Death?

Tens of thousands of people are killed in traffic accidents in the United States every year. It is a major cause of death in our country and often preventable with more attentive driving. If your loved one was killed in a crash caused by someone else’s negligence, you have a right to feel angry…

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April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

This month marks National Distracted Driving Awareness Month in America. The attorneys at Shaw Cowart would like to take the opportunity to revisit some of the major sources of distraction and encourage all our readers to take steps to eliminate distractions behind the wheel. Distracted Driving Remains a Problem According to the National Highway…

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What Do Seat Belts Do?

Using three points of contact, seat belts prevent the ejection of vehicle occupants in the event of a collision, rollover, or other type of motor vehicle crash. By restraining the person during an impact, seat belts also reduce the severity of injuries in many circumstances (source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Seat belts are…

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2020 Car Accident Data from the NHTSA

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration this month released preliminary data regarding 2020 motor vehicle crashes. That year, motor vehicle accidents overall decreased as did injuries, but motor vehicle deaths rose. If you or a loved one has been injured in a wreck caused by someone else in Austin or the surrounding areas, our…

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Is the Truck Driver Liable for Damages?

A collision involving a large tractor-trailer or semi-truck easily demolishes other vehicles. The occupants inside these smaller vehicles may be catastrophically injured in ways that change their lives forever. Tragically, many people die in crashes caused by large trucks. If you were injured in this type of crash and are fairly certain it was…

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