What is a Personal Injury Case?

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Woman being pushed in a wheelchair by another woman after suffering a serious injuryA personal injury case arises when one person is injured because of the negligent, careless or intentional act of another person. It may also involve an injury caused by the negligence of a corporation, business or government agency. The experienced personal injury lawyers at Shaw Cowart LLP in Austin, TX, can determine if you have a claim in a free case evaluation. If we move forward with a case, we will tirelessly pursue maximum compensation on your behalf.

Common Personal Injury Claims

Practically any type of serious injury can qualify as a personal injury. Examples of injury cases we handle include:

This list is not exhaustive, and we certainly may be able to help you with your injury case even if it doesn’t fall within one of the above categories. To find out, call us at 512-499-8900.

Whether you were injured in a motor vehicle crash, at work, using a product or work equipment, or elsewhere, we can determine what your options are after speaking with you. The insurance companies may be offering you an unfairly low settlement or no money at all. Speak with us before accepting their offers. You may be entitled to much more.

Potential Compensation in Your Injury Case

The whole point of personal injury proceedings are to pursue justice and monetary compensation for you. Injuries are expensive to treat, and they are also painful and traumatic. When caused by someone else, you deserve the chance to hold the responsible party accountable, and that’s exactly what our attorneys do for our clients every day.

First, we want to listen to you to better understand how the injury has impacted your life. We work with your doctors to get documentation of medical costs, both at the outset of the injury and projected into the future. We put all of our resources to work to show why you deserve justice. In successful injury cases, compensation may be awarded for:

  • Present and future medical expenses
  • Rehabilitative therapy costs
  • Loss of income
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pain and suffering

Each case is a little different. We provide services tailored to you. Our experienced litigators have handled hundreds of trial cases across the country and have decades of combined experience that they put to work for you. We are not only seasoned trial attorneys, but also know how to negotiate with insurance companies to secure desirable settlements when possible. Rely on us to always provide clear and honest communication about your case.

Free Case Evaluation with Experienced Austin, TX, Injury Attorneys

In a complimentary, no-obligation consultation, you and our attorneys discuss your situation. If we decide to move forward together and represent your claim, then rest assured your case is handled on a contingent-fee basis, which means you do not pay us any fees unless and until we recover monetary compensation on your behalf. To discuss your personal injury case for free, please call us in Austin at 512-499-8900.